




The word "familiarise" is often used to describe the process of becoming accustomed to something or someone. It is a verb that is derived from the word "familiar", which means to make something or someone known or familiar. Familiarise can be used in various contexts, such as familiarising oneself with a new city, familiarising children with a new school, or familiarising employees with a new company policy.

Familiarising oneself with a new city can be a challenging task, especially if you are moving there from another country or a different part of the world. In order to familiarise yourself with a new city, it is important to explore it, learn about its culture and history, and meet new people. Some ways to familiarise yourself with a new city include taking a city tour, visiting the local museums and attractions, and joining local clubs or organisations.

Familiarising children with a new school can also be a challenging task, especially if they are starting school for the first time or moving to a new school. In order to familiarise children with a new school, it is important to help them learn about the school's rules and regulations, meet their teachers and classmates, and become familiar with the school's facilities and resources. Some ways to familiarise children with a new school include touring the school with them, helping them prepare for their first day of school, and encouraging them to make new friends.

Familiarising employees with a new company policy can be a challenging task, especially if the policy is significant or if it affects the way employees do their jobs. In order to familiarise employees with a new company policy, it is important to communicate the policy clearly and effectively, provide training and support, and answer any questions or concerns that employees may have. Some ways to familiarise employees with a new company policy include holding meetings or workshops, providing written materials or manuals, and offering one