



Computation, in its broadest sense, refers to any type of calculation or processing of information. It can be done manually, using tools or devices, or through the use of computers and other electronic devices. Computation has been an essential part of human civilization for thousands of years, and it has played a crucial role in the development of science, technology, and society.

One of the earliest forms of computation was done manually, using tools such as abaci and slide rules. These tools allowed people to perform simple arithmetic calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Manually computed results were often used for tasks such as accounting, navigation, and engineering.

With the advent of the industrial revolution, mechanical devices such as calculators and adding machines were invented to perform computation more quickly and accurately than humans. These devices were used for tasks such as tabulating data, computing payroll, and managing inventory. The development of these devices laid the foundation for the modern computer.

The modern computer was invented in the mid