



Female, as the counterpart of male, has always been a significant part of the human society. Throughout history, women have played various roles, from mothers and wives to professionals and leaders. The perception of females has evolved over time, and today, they have gained substantial achievements in almost every field.

In the family, women have traditionally been considered the caregivers and nurturers. They have been responsible for raising children and maintaining the household. However, this role is gradually changing. With increasing education and career opportunities, women are now able to pursue their personal goals and contribute to the family in different ways. Many households have adopted a more equal approach to parenting and household chores, creating a healthier and more balanced family life.

In the workforce, females have made significant progress in recent decades. They have entered various professions, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Despite facing challenges and discrimination, women have proven their capabilities and achieved remarkable success. They have become leaders, innovators, and change